共计发表学术论文20余篇,其中以第一作者(或导师第一)在Carbon、Applied Surface Science、Tribology International、Tribology Letters等国际知名期刊和摩擦学专业期刊上发表SCI论文8篇,以通讯作者在Acta Physical Sinica(中文名:物理学报)期刊上发表SCI论文1篇,其中5篇代表作如下: [1] Li J H, et al. C60 filling-enabling lubrication enhancement on graphene under conformal contacts with a rough substrate. Carbon, 2023, 206: 157-165. (JCR 1区) [2] Li J H, et al. Hydrogen-Passivation Modulation on the Friction Behavior of Graphene with Vacancy Defects under Strain Engineering. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 579: 152055. (JCR 1区) [3] Li J H, et al. Enhancement of Hydrogenated Graphene on Mechanical and Adhesive Properties of Diamond-like Carbon Films. Tribology International, 2021, 154: 106725. (JCR 1区) [4] Li J H, et al. Effect of Strain Engineering on Superlubricity in a Double-Walled Carbon Nanotube. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021, 23(8): 4988-5000. (JCR 2区) [5] Li J H, et al. Lubrication Performance of Hydrogenated Graphene on Diamond?Like Carbon Films Based on Molecular Dynamics Simulation. Tribology Letters, 2021, 69(12): 1-13. (JCR 2区) |