
Call for Papers for ICEEMI 2012

2017-04-07 17:22:04 2017-04-07

The 2012 International Conference on Engineering Education and Management Innovation (ICEEMI 2012) will take place in Changsha,

November 3-4, 2012.

The objective of this Conference is to offer a meeting point for professionals and researchers from industry and academia to present and

discuss recent advances in the field of Education and Management.

Papers dealing with fundamental research and application of Engineering Education, Higher Education, Management Science and Engineering,

Management Practice and Management Innovation will be considered for publication and presentation at the conference,

including but not limited to ICEEMI 2012 Call for Papers (PDF in Chinese):

(I) Theory and Practice in Engineering Education

(01) Internationalization and Globalization of Engineering Education

(02) Knowledge and Competencies in Engineering Education

(03) Excellence in Engineering Education

(04) Innovative Materials, Teaching and Learning Experiences in Engineering Education

(05) Educational Methods and Learning Mechanisms in Engineering Education

(06) Infrastructure and Technologies for Engineering Education

(07) Current Trends in Engineering Education

(08) Collaboration Between Universities and Industry

(09) Engineering Training

(10) E-learning and E-assessment

(11) Teachers Construction in Engineering Education

(12) Mode Reform in Engineering Education

(13) Curriculum System, Structure and Content in Engineering Education

(II) Theory and Practice in Higher Education

(14) Innovation of Management Model in higher education

(15) Quality Research in Higher Education

(16) Comparative Education Research

(17) Educational Research Method

(18) Education Science Research in all Forms and Levels

(19) Research on Information Technology Education

(20) Research on Employment of College

(21) Higher Education System and Reform

(22) Course Construction and Teaching Research

(23) Research on Education Economy

(24) Research on Reformation of Talent-training Mode

(25) Research on Education Interaction between School, Society and Family

(III) Management Science and Engineering

(26) Management Information System

(27) Engineering Management

(28) Project Management

(29) Industrial Engineering

(30) Production Operations Management

(31) Logistics and Supply Chain Management

(32) Financial Engineering

(33) System Analysis and Modeling

(34) Risk Management and Decision Analysis

(35) Market research and Consumer Analysis

(IV) Management Practice and Management Innovation

(36) Enterprise Strategic Management

(37) Globalization Strategy and Resource Integration

(38) Human Resource Management

(39) Financial Cost Management

(40) Accounting and Internal control

(41) Service Innovation and Management

(42) Marketing Management

(43) Enterprise Culture and Organization Management

(44) Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management

(45) Product R&D Management

(46) Process Optimization and Reengineering

(47) Knowledge and Competencies Management

(48) Database Marketing and E-commerce

(V) Other Related Topics

(49) Other Related Topics

All papers, both invited and contributed, will be refereed by two or three referees. After a strict refereeing process, all accepted papers will be published in the Open Access.IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering(Click for more details) (Print ISSN: 1757-8981, Online ISSN: 1757-899X, MSE is part of IOP Conference Series. All accepted papers will be abstracted and indexed in EI Compendex, Elsevier Scopus, Inspec, etc (Click for more details) (Examples of EI Compendex). All papers published in IOP Conference Series are fully citable and will be free to download. Authors may be interested to know that IOP Conference Series now receives in excess of 2.3 million article downloads per year. In addition, about 100 selected excellent papers will be published in SCI journals.

Paper Submission

Please read the information about publication carefully before sumitting your paper.

Guidline for Paper Submission

All the papers should be written in English. Please prepare your papers using the following Microsoft Word templates, and submit your papers and the Paper Submission Form by email attachments to ICEEMI@VIP.163.COM by July 31 2012. All papers should be no less than 4 pages (≥4) in length and must be written in strict accordance with the format. Shorter papers should not be included in the journal.

Before you send the manuscript and Paper Submission Form to the ICEEMI@VIP.163.COM Please make sure your manuscript file will have a filename “(Topic field)Paper title.doc” and your Paper Submission Form will have a filename “(Topic field) Paper submission form.xls”.

For example:

(07)Study on New Methods of Technology Transfer and Development.doc

(07)Paper submission form.xls

Word Template: Word_Template.doc

Paper Submission Form (for authors residing in Mainland China)

Paper Submission Form (for the rest of the world)

Important Notes:

1 IOP Conference Series operates a publishing licence (Click for more details), under which authors retain copyright of their papers and they NO LONGER need to sign and submit copyright assignment forms. Any author who wishes to publish in IOP Conference Series must agree to the terms of the licence and by submitting a paper for publication it is assumed all authors of the paper agree, in full, to the terms of the licence.

2 It is important to ensure that when you submit your paper, it is in its final form ready for publication, and has been thoroughly proofread. IOP DO NOT copyedit papers and WILL NOT send out author proofs prior to publication. Please note: post-publication changes are not usually permitted, unless there are exceptional circumstances, so please ensure your paper has been checked for errors.

3 IOP Conference Series uses author-supplied PDFs for all online and print publication. Authors are asked to prepare their papers using Microsoft Word, according to the journal guidelines and templates, and then convert these files to PDF.
