
开云体育: Campus Life

开云体育:On Medical Care Reimbursement Management of Chinese Government Scholarship Students and Confucius Institute Scholarship Students of CSUST

Date:2019-05-05   Source:

1. Before enrollment, students who enjoy Chinese government scholarship are required to submit their physical examination reports to the Quarantine Bureau of Changsha for inspection. Those who do not hold such reports please go to the Quarantine Bureau of Changsha to take a physical examination, and a physical examination certificate will be granted. Anyone who fails to go through physical examination twice will suspend his or her schooling and be sent back for medical treatment. Anyone who suffers from infectious or severe diseases will be asked to leave PRC.

2. In principle, school hospital should be students’ first choice for medical treatment. In case of emergency, lager medical institutions are recommended. The passport name or Chinese name should be used when registration for medical treatment, otherwise the advanced medical expenses and payment of claims will be influenced.

3. Before transferring to other Public Hospitals (of Rank 2 or higher) in Changsha, Students should pre-pay the hospital bills and get the refunding procedures later at International College. Materials needed for reimbursement include transfer permission, case history, invoice, and student certificate. Students who need to be hospitalized are required to inform the International College first and hospitalization is allowed after International College negotiates with the insurance company about the details of hospitalization. Otherwise they have to pay the hospital bills on their own.

4. When receiving treatment at various hospitals, students need to pay for registration, disposable facilities, and food. And all the fees under the treatment in VIP room cannot be covered by medical insurance.

5. Students are liable to expenses on dental work, glasses, childbirth, abortion, physical rectification, nurture and diseases that have been diagnosed before entry.

6. Students are liable to medical treatments and medicines that are not covered by the insurance (the insurance company reserves the right to explain the insurance coverage).

7. According to the related regulations of medical insurance company, the medical care reimbursement is mainly used to treat accidental injury and hospitalization. The outpatient treatment under 650 RMB everyday cannot be covered by medical insurance and the part above 650 RMB everyday can be claimed as 85%

8. Materials for reimbursement should be submitted within the first week of each month. Reimbursement will be delivered into students’ bank account from insurance company when it is settled. 
